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Gold and Girl(Short Film)

A Director Ayres and JokerFace Entertainment Production

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Rodrigo Baumgartner Ayres

Film Director

Olá. Sou diretor e escritor para cinema e teatro, localizado em Sāo Paulo.

Trabalhei e estudei em Nova York de 2013 a 2019, onde me formei em cinema pela New York Film Academy (2014). Depois me mudei para SP onde dou continuidade a minha carreira de cineasta.

Meu lema como diretor:
"Eu quero estar onde o teatro encontra o cinema. Retratar a condição humana honestamente, nossas dificuldades e conquistas, tanto no palco quanto na tela."

Hello. I'm a director and writer for film and theatre, based in Sāo Paulo, Brazil.

I worked and studied in NYC from 2013 - 2019, where I graduated in filmmaking at the New York Film Academy (2014). I, then, moved to São Paulo where I furthered my studies in the area and continue my work as a filmmaker.

Director's Statement:
"I want to be where cinema meets theatre. Where human struggles and achievements are portrayed through honest storytelling, both on the stage and on the big screen."

Home: Welcome

Wolves We Feed (trailer)

Wolves We Feed (trailer)
Wolves We Feed (trailer)
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Gold and Girl (short film) -Trailer
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To New Beginnings  (Trailer)
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